[MOHR News] Latest Foreign Worker Employment Plan

Following the announcement of a new loosen Foreign Worker Employment Plan, the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) released a statement with further details of the plan as below:

  1. The plan covers only the manufacturing, construction, farming, agriculture and services (restaurant) sectors.
  2. Employers can apply via the Foreign Worker Centralised Management System (FWCMS) under Module FWe Approval effective immediately. 
  3. Following the submission of the application, the approval will take three working days.
  4. Advertising of job vacancies on the MyFutureJobs Portal will not be necessary with immediate effect.
  5. Employers who submitted their application for the employment of foreign workers under the FWe Approval and Modul eQuota before 17th January 2023 are requested to resubmit a new application in the FWe Approval Module to enable the employer's application to be reconsidered under the new loosen Employment of Foreign Workers Plan.

To read MOHR’s full statement in BM version, please click on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/109-XhPrIdqAuv0QwmH5eaNzqM0mEOQTh/view?usp=sharing