MICCI Northern Lunar New Year Network Evening
By marcom@micci.com
Feb 27, 2024
MICCI Northern Branch celebrated the Lunar New Year of the Wood Dragon with Network Evening on 22 February, 2024. The evening was in collaboration with one of its members, Plenitude Hotels Sdn Bhd, who graciously sponsored the event at their hotel division, Mercure Penang Beach. We had approximately to 90 members and guests attending the evening by the beach.
As it was a Lunar New Year celebration, Mercure Penang Beach featured the longest Yee Sang tossing to ensure that posterity would be showered upon us all at the MICCI Northern Lunar New Year Network Evening Before the start of the evening guests were gathered at M Bar where Mr. Gerard Chan, Resort Manager, for Mercure Penang Beach, gave a presentation on the Hotel’s facilities and promotions and their sister hotels located across Malaysia and the globe. The hotel was awarded Best Beach Resort by Malaysia Tourism Council Gold Awards, situated on a tranquil beach of Penang, in 2019.
This Network Evening made for the perfect opportunity for the Branch Chairman, Dato’ Brian Tan Guan Hooi, to present MICCI Membership certificates to our new members - Wawasan Open University Sdn Bhd, Mekar Serunding Sdn Bhd, HDAP Consulting Sdn Bhd, Canvas Global Logistics Sdn Bhd, Beyond Basics Resources Sdn Bhd and Plenitude Hotels Sdn Bhd, Penang. As the name of the evening suggests, the Network Evening allowed for valuable interactions amongst guests to learn from each other, to create contacts, to be inspired and to build recognition.
MICCI Northern organises these very engaging Network Evenings regularly, apart from scheduled engagements sessions with Government agencies. While one is social and the other more serious, both complement each other to ensure that the needs and issues of our members are highlighted and addressed. We would like to thank our guests for making time to be with us. Your continued support is very much appreciated.