Business Lunch With The Deputy Chief Minister II, YB Jagdeep Singh Deo

MICCI Northern Region hosted the Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang, YB Mr Jagdeep Singh Deo at a Business Lunch dialogue session on 30th October 2023. Guests for the lunch with YB Mr Jagdeep comprised MICCI Northern members and contacts, which covered industry sectors from both the manufacturing and services sectors.

The Branch Chairman, Dato’ Brian Tan Guan Hooi, in his opening address introduced MICCI Northern and its history to the DCM2 and those in attendance who were new to MICCI.

YB Jagdeep Singh Deo, as the newly appointed Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang now heads the Human Capital Development, Science & Technology State Council. He previously headed the State Council for Local Government, Housing , Town & Country Planning. He is not new to Penang’s needs and wants. YB Jagdeep emphasised on nurturing the good working relationship between the private sector and Penang State government. He informed that the first 3 months of his appointment as DCM2 was to get to know the many sectors and industries and their needs and issues, especially the need to address talent shortage issue in Penang. He stressed on highly-skilled talent for a high-income state to be achieved was a priority. YB Jagdeep acknowledged that there was a need for talent across all levels so as both the manufacturing and services sectors could both be adequately staffed.

Need for STEM talent alone is not enough. Issues of housing were also discussed. It was concluded that the future had to be a collective collaboration between the private sector, academia and State Government for talent to meet the needs of the State in its efforts to achieve Vision Penang 2030 as a high income State that is family focused, green and smart state that inspires the nation.


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